This program is the inaugural, large-scale career planning intensive meant for students aiming to dedicate their careers to working on high-impact cause areas! The program is split up into three tracks based on how extensively participants have already planned their career trajectories. We highly recommend that people start with Track 1 and then move to Track 2 and Track 3 for future cohorts. Throughout this process of career planning, there are also a few norms we hope to instill among all participants.
Thank you so much for participating in this program! We cannot wait to see what fruitful career planning discussions will arise, and we hope that you fully engage with throughout the intensive and beyond! If you have any questions or concerns, please email [email protected] and [email protected]. Enjoy the program and see you around!
General Program Information!
Track 1: Exploring Cause Areas for Maximum Career Impact
Track 2: Exploring Job Paths and Making a Difference
Track 3: Executing Career Strategy and Optimizing Your Year
Since this is the first large-scale iteration of the EA Career Planning Intensive, we would love your feedback so we can improve this program for the future! Feel free to either sign up for a synchronous meeting with us or submit your thoughts through the Google Forms.
<aside> 💡 Feedback for the EA Career Planning Intensive