Things I wish I could do next time in general
- Make presentations informal because they can be stressful
- Small cohorts of people who know each other well already
- explicitly frame the presentations as informal and low key
Exploring Cause areas
Things I wish I could do next time
- put more emphasis on you're meant to impartially argue for cause areas rather than on basing it on personal fit
- get people to explicitly compare their cause area with 1 other cause area and make arguments for why it is more impactful than the other cause area
- make sure everyone produces slides for their presentations, because much easier to follow with slides
Session by session guidance
Session 1
- hellos and welcomes
- keep it friendly, light, and fun
- introduce my role
- tell people to go to
- walk through the ‘how this track works’
- Why I ask people to do workbooks in session → commitment mechanism to do the workbook properly
- What i mean about arguing for cause areas
- people rule out causes because they don't think they can contribute → want you to hold off judgment on that right now
- take on the framing of 'what are the world's most pressing problems'
- tell people to book in a 1-1 now and make a copy of the workbook
- then start the coworking
- people can ask questions in the chat
- remind people to ‘click the read more’ in the blue box of the workbook for more info
- get people to fill out the feedback form [make your own version]
Session 2-5
- Each person presents their slides for 10 minutes
- Then they have 10 minutes to ask questions from the audience.
- When they run out of questions, the audience can ask them questions about the cause area