
  1. What did you think about the workbook?
    1. Better than 80k?
    2. Too overwhelming?
    3. Too simple?
    4. Is it something that you think participants will actually come back to? Or is it more of a throwaway you did as part of the program?
    5. What does it look like to you for the workbook to be really helpful?
  2. Presentations
    1. How much did it feel like just a box ticking exercise?
    2. How useful did you find other participants presentations? What made them useful?
    3. How lost did participants feel in between each session with having to find their own reading to do?
    4. Was the program and needing to do a presentation a useful mechanism to get them to do reading?
  3. Social
    1. How comfortable did people seem to feel around the other members of tjeor cohort? What direction should we push this in and how?
    2. How frustrating was it that attendance wasn’t regular during the sessions?
  4. Facilitator
    1. How useful were the comments on the document that you left as the facilitator?
    2. How much did knowing that the facilitator would see your document impact the way participants filled it out?
    3. How easy did you find it to facilitate this program? What extra skills do you need to facilitate it better next time?